Smart Saving

Encouraging Conscious Savings Habits for Life's Uncertainties

We encourage our members to make a conscious habit of saving at least 10 – 15% of earnings to help cushion life’s eventualities.


It does not matter how little you put aside or if you are motivated by a specific goal. Today is a good day to start! Talk to our SJCCU Member Service Representative to learn how our innovative savings products can work for you.

SJCCU in the Community

We demonstrate our corporate social responsibility in our community service.


Consider this your personal invitation from us to become a SJCCU Volunteer.

Careers @ SJCCU

We empowering each member to achieve financial self-sufficiency.

Save & Invest

Our innovative savings products

  • Savings Account
  • Deposit Account
  • Chequing
  • Fixed Deposit
  • Special Deposit
  • Junior Savings
  • Flexi-BOX

A regular deposit allows members to save and withdraw without restrictions and is the ideal solution for managing your day to day expenses. Access your money anytime, anywhere via our 24-hour ATM service and enjoy the convenience of direct deposit from your employer.

  • ATM Access
  • Competitive Interest Rate

Provides all the features of our regular savings account where cash security for loans are held.

A chequing account with SJCCU provides access to your savings with the added security of a cheque book. Keep track of your expenses and transact business without carrying large sums of cash with you.

  • ATM Access
  • Fees as low as $20.00 per month
  • Personalised cheque book

Save, Earn, Grow your savings with a Fixed Deposit from St. John’s Cooperative Credit Union.  Instead of keeping that lump sum of cash at home, invest it with the credit union and earn interest. As this type of account will attract penalty for early withdrawals, we suggest opening a Flexi-BOX account for a shorter-term saving facility. Save for six or twelve months.

  • Low minimum deposit of $5,000.00
  • Interest paid at maturity
  • Minimum deposit term of 1 year
  • Can be used as collateral for loan services

A special deposit and withdrawal account ideal for groups, associations and businesses.

  • No risk of depleting loan security

It is never too early to begin teaching our children the principles of managing money and saving for a rainy day. The gift of financial responsibility stays with them for a lifetime. At SJCCU we encourage saving for their future with either Kick-Start Junior Savings Account (inhouse) or the Kick-Start School Savers Club. Our ‘Kick-Start’ accounts were created to introduce our young people to the Co-operative movement.

  • Low Minimum to get started
  • Earn interest at maturity
  • Save little by little to meet your goal
  • Standing Order deduction available

Save a specific amount for a specified period of 12 months toward a particular financial goal.  SJCCU offers an array of savings options for you to choose from.

You determine the start-up date:

  • Mortgage Savings Club (MORSA)
  • Retirement Savings Club (RESA)
  • Vacation Travel & Leisure Club (VTL)
  • Youth Empowerment and Professionals Club (YEP)
  • 9-1-1 Emergency Savings

Seasonal Clubs

  • Summer Club – Starts July 1st Ends June 30th
  • Christmas Club – Starts Dec. 1st End Nov. 30th
  • Low Minimum to get started
  • Earn interest at maturity
  • Save little by little to meet your goal
  • Standing Order deduction available

Smart Saving

Junior Savings

It is never too early to begin teaching our children the principles of managing money and saving for a rainy day. The gift of financial responsibility stays with them for a lifetime. At SJCCU we encourage saving for their future with either Kick-Start Junior Savings Account (inhouse) or the Kick-Start School Savers Club. Our ‘Kick-Start’ accounts were created to introduce our young people to the Co-operative movement.

Kick-Start Junior Savings Account

  • Monthly plan ranging from $10 to $100 ($10, $15, $20, $30, $40, $50 and $100)
  • Special Interest Rate

Kick-Start School Savers Club Account

  • Fixed monthly payment of $10.00 to $200 monthly
  • No documentation necessary
  • Child must be attending a school registered for the programme
  • Special Interest Rate


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Account Manager

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UI/UX Designer

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Website Developer

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Project Management

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