Community Highlights

Community Commitment and Social Impact Initiatives

We demonstrate our corporate social responsibility in our community service, social outreach and partnerships insuch areas as health, education, humanitarian assistance, culture, sports and education. Some highlights include:

SJCCU and New Horizons School of Information Technology

The St John’s Co-operative Credit Union (SJCCU) has given 12 students across Antigua and Barbuda the opportunity to attend virtual classes in MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point.

This was made possible through SJCCU’s partnership with New Horizons School of Information Technology which is a virtual school operating out of Toronto, Canada.

The Credit Union hosted the students along with their parents at its branch office at Mandolin Place on Friars Hill Road. Branch Supervisor, Ms Sharol Christian Malone, advised the students to study hard as most of what they learn today will be beneficial in the future.

She also admonished them to put God first and to trust in Him.

SJCCU’s General Manager, Ms Peta Gay-Rodney, shared that they were chosen to participate in this course by their teachers so they cannot disappoint their teachers and parents who have invested their time in their betterment.

Ms Rodney also presented the students with tokens of appreciation from SJCCU.

At the end of the program the students will be asked to write an essay about their experience participating in it.           

The students were chosen from St Andrews Primary, New Winthorpes Primary, Foundation Mixed, Gospel Light Elementary, St John’s Lutheran, and St Peters Academy.    

Collaborative Partnerships for Community Impact

Formed in May of 2001 by a group of residents intent on community development and advocacy. Its members volunteer of their time and service in this non-profit organization as they seek to impact the educational, environmental, social and economic facets of their community.

Some of the activities / projects undertaken in partnership with BCG include:

  • Donating the funds for the Annual Education Grants/Scholarships Program to students at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels
  • Commuter bus branding

The other activities of BCG include:

  • Assisting students at the Common Entrance and CXC levels with revision and practice
  • Assisting persons at the CXC level financially who may have the aptitude but not the resources
  • Taking the elderly on excursions
  • Partnering with Eye-Mobile to provide free glaucoma testing every March
  • Partnering with the Mount St. John’s Medical Center to launch a kidney-testing exercise, which hopefully will become an annual exercise
  • Lending assistance to the community clinic and primary school
  • Awarding community members annually in the areas of sports and general humanitarianism
  • Hosting fund-raising events to assist in covering medical expenses. In the near future they hope to have a Medical Fund established.
  • Collaborating with the Red Cross society to have persons receive first aid and disaster-response training

SJCCU sponsors the Bendals Community Group (BCG) Annual Education Grant.

including schools’ annual prize-giving and awards in our surrounding community and summer programmes; Ministry of Education Business practical training and awards and the recognition of exceptional performance in the Common Entrance and CSEC examinations in Zone 4, annually.

Further to our ongoing successful Internship partnership with ASC, we also facilitate their career days.

SJCCU collaborates annually with this social partner in their Cancer Awareness drive, by celebrating Pink Fridays in the throughout the month of October. This features pink wear among the staff, the collection of donations and purchases of pink ribbons and display of cancer awareness pamphlets and paraphernalia.

Antigua & Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA)

As a stakeholder in the financial sector, we share and colloborate with the ABIA in the empowerment and development of the small business sector. Also we are participants in the ABIA Constuct Antigua and Barbuda Initiative (CABI) and the Mind Your Business series.

Softball Cricket Association

SJCCU has been the title sponsor of Women’s Softball Cricket in association with the Antigua & Barbuda Softball Cricket Association for the past seventeen (17) years and counting.

Gilbert Agricultural & Rural Development Centre

As partners with the Gilbert Agricultural & Rural Development Centre (GARDC) we have assisted with the sponsorship of their programs to include funds and venue for vocational courses, business mentorships, internships and facilitation at career fairs.