Are you a member of St. John’s Co-operative Credit Union?

Do you wish to share your Time, Talent and Skills while gaining knowledge and insight into your financial co-operative – St John’s Co-operative Credit Union?

A Progressive, Innovative Leading Credit Union in Governance Principles and Compliance.


Knowledge of IT/Technology, Legal Matters, Auditing, Business, Marketing, Compliance and being a committed loyal Member, would be an Asset.

We provide ongoing training to ALL our Volunteers to keep you up-to-date with the requirements of your role and trends in the financial market.

Be the Change: Volunteer and Inspire

Vacancies exist on the:

Board of Directors & Supervisory & Compliance Committee                                               
The Board is responsible for the Strategic Direction and overall governance of the Credit Union; ensuring that proper policies and procedures are in place; supervises the General Manager. The Board reports to the Annual General Meeting of Members.
The Supervisory & Compliance Committee acts as the internal auditor of the Credit Union; ensuring that internal controls are in place and operating according to best practices within the laws of Antigua & Barbuda for the safety and soundness of the Credit Union. The Committee reports its findings and makes recommendations to the Board and the Annual General Meeting of Members.

Must be SJCCU Members for at least 1 year, who


  • VOLUNTEERS are Credit Union members who offer their time and expertise to serve on the Board of Directors or other Committee to help determine the direction and services of their own co-operative financial institution and matters related to financial services and Credit Unions in Antigua & Barbuda.
  • Through participation in the leadership of the Credit Union, VOLUNTEERS receive opportunities for professional development, personal satisfaction and growth, education, enriching experiences and opportunities for networking locally and farther afield.
  • A VOLUNTEER is reimbursed for expenses incurred in rendering voluntary service.
  • A whole range of opportunities exist for interested persons to become involved as a VOLUNTEER at local, national, regional and international levels at no cost to them.
  • Personal invitation from us to become an SJCCU Volunteer and benefit more fully from your Credit Union membership and ownership.

Take your SJCCU membership to the next level?

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